FOR FOUNDERS WHO are tired of constantly chasing new work

Automatic cash flow from clients you love

Leverage the power of Perfect Positioning to transform your business.

"After just a few weeks of working with Torrey, he helped me identify a key operational bottleneck and solidify the strongest elements of my brand. Within 90 days, I increased my revenue by over $72,000. You won't find a better person to help build your brand and business."
Mike Hoffmann
Owner, Mr. Passive
"We made $35K a couple of months into working with Torrey! If you want someone that gets you real results but still treats you like a dignified human being and NOT just a number, Torrey is your coach. The wisdom, direction, and experience he imparts in every single meeting is invaluable!"
Andre and Solie Osoro
Owners, Naptime Income
"Torrey is a vital source of inspiration, fuel, and guidance. His ability to communicate clearly and meet me where I am to help me prioritize not just my business goals, but to orient my life path, is unmatched. He is my go-to mentor as I seek to scale my business and reach new markets. I’m proud that he’s my coach because, yes, he’s the best coach, but he is also the freakin’ best human."
Nekoda Silberstein
Owner, Hue Murals

Perfect Positioning: 
The step-by-step program for building a cash-flow machine that just works.

The number one reason why businesses fail is insufficient cash flow.

I bet this isn’t surprising to you.

What might surprise you is why businesses run out of cash flow.
  • Was their quality not good enough?
  • Did the founder not work hard enough?
  • Was the market demand not high enough?
Here's the truth. Of the 90% of founders who fail, most of them:
  • Had a great product or service.
  • Worked hard every single day.
  • Existed in a market with abundant opportunities.
And yet they still failed.


Because they believed that those things were sufficient for success, and neglected what the 10% of successful founders figured out:

Thriving in business requires the right combination of:
  • Mindset
  • Strategy
  • Execution
  • Framing
  • Marketing
  • Narratives
What makes the combination of these so critical to business success?

They're the code that unlocks the single-most important factor of all:
  • Perfect Positioning
What does this mean for you?
Perfect Positioning means you become the "only" choice for the exact people you want to work with.
Imagine how much easier your life will be once your ideal clients crave you over your competition.

When they just get you, and are excited to write the checks that transform your business and life.

When they reach out TO YOU, ready to work.

You already have what it takes.

You just need:
  • A system that actually works
  • A guide to walk you through each step
That is exactly what you get when you join this program.

In just 12 weeks, you'll have everything you need to:
  • Generate consistent cash flow - No more worrying about missing monthly revenue targets
  • Build a tribe of true fans - Grow a network that will support you, expand your reach, and buy your offers
  • Destroy limiting beliefs - Identify and remove the mental friction that wants to restrict your growth
  • Establish market authority - Become the go-to person that no one else can copy
  • Accelerate your progress - Trade wasted time and costly mistakes for getting to market faster
  • Cultivate boundless energy - Increase the power of your mental clarity and decision-making skills
  • Find quality clients with budgets - Position yourself to attract professional clients with huge budgets
  • Frictionless conversions - Turn your prospects into ideal clients without ineffective salesy nonsense
All in a step-by-step program that shows you exactly how to establish the Perfect Positioning and then put it to use in your ideal market.
Why let your dream clients spend their budgets on people who can't help them as well as you can!?
How much would it be worth to you to:
  • Escape the nightmare of the Feast & Famine Cycle forever?
  • Never again compete on price and finally charge what you're worth?
  • Give up the exhausting sales calls with people who don't end up buying from you?
  • Stop screaming into the void and start connecting with clients who can transform your life?
  • Trade costly mistakes and lost time for the exact steps that lead to a healthy and profitable business?
  • Lay the foundation for never worrying about money again?
How free will you feel once these are your reality?

The lifestyle you want is closer than you think!

Like getting your MBA in the New Economy without lighting $150K on fire.

You'll gain access to a powerful program designed by someone who actually built his own multi-million-dollar business, helped clients build empires across multiple industries, and designed effective methods to save you countless hours of wasted time and thousands in wasted opportunities.

12-week Program

Perfect Positioning features 12 weeks of live group instruction that covers a comprehensive curriculum, explains all activities, and addresses common questions. Plus, the materials and data are yours to keep.

Weekly Live Group Coaching

Live video instruction calls that cover each week's lesson and activities. Join them live, or watch them at your convenience. The program works around your schedule.

Weekly Open Office Hours

Access to weekly live video Open Office Hours, where you can join in to ask questions and receive specific guidance. Each session will be recorded and uploaded for access by all students.

Personalized Assessments

Receive a personalized video assessment of your online presence as well as a review of your initial assessment at the program start. Plus, you'll receive a detailed follow-up assessment after the program's completion.

A Powerful Miro Business Dashboard

All activities are built in Miro: A free software tool that enables you to build a powerful Business Dashboard that you can use as long as you wish. Imagine your entire business on one simple and actionable platform.

Resource Library

You get access to all recorded group calls, Open Office Hour recordings, all curriculum activities and exercises, plus additional resources accessible directly from your Miro Business Dashboard.


Who needs this program?



Who want to stop constantly chasing down new work and free up valuable time for what they love.

Small business owners

Who want to unlock the door that makes their business easier to grow and scale.

Skilled professionals

Who want to monetize their knowledge by building and leveraging a tribe of true fans.

Create the components for Perfect Positioning, then unleash its power into the marketplace.

The program features 12 comprehensive modules that build upon each other as you learn and grow. Each module gives you exactly what you need to establish and deploy the Holy Grail of Perfect Positioning. The best part? The program makes it easy for you to take each step with total confidence and clarity.
Entrepreneurship requires playing the right role for your business. Learn practical and actionable methods for cultivating the powerful mindset that leads to success in business and your everyday quality of life.
Brand Foundations
Commodities cannot survive in the New Economy. Learn how to identify the foundational characteristics that form an untouchable combination that resonates with your Ideal Clients and makes you untouchable to the competition.
Brand Narratives
Define the verbal expressions of your brand that create resonance and guide strategies. You'll develop a powerful brand mantra that acts as your "north star" so you can confidently act under any circumstances.
Products & Services
Escape the Commodity Trap and learn how to form a crystal clear description of what you do and what transformation you deliver to your clients. Leverage your data to build powerful messaging that sets you apart in your market.
Customers & Clients
Develop a comprehensive understanding of exactly who is a perfect fit for you and your business. This isn't fake personas or generalizations. You'll learn how to identify the real people who you are perfectly positioned to serve.
Learn how to leverage the time and budgets your competitors have poured into their marketing, positioning, content, and market research. Define key gaps and differentiators that position you as the best choice for the client.
Nothing matters more than owning the prime mental real estate in your Ideal Clients' minds. Build your own Perfect Positioning that answers the "difficult business question" and sets you apart from everyone else.
Learn how to build a powerful and irresistible offer that actually resonates with your Ideal Clients without resorting to silly gimmicks and promising outcomes that make you look and sound like everyone else.
Make it impossible to say "no." Learn how to create on-brand marketing like a professional so you don't have to waste your time with cold outreach that only attracts bottom-feeders. High-quality customers just "get" you.
Guide your prospects through a natural progression that focuses on their human needs and desires. Align all actions with your intended outcomes along this progression to create a machine that works like a magnet for clients.
Remove the guesswork from content production. Learn the frameworks for consistently producing high-quality content that attracts your Ideal Clients, grows your audience, and primes your tribe for buying your product or service.
Craft the right Sales strategy - one that’s built on the foundation of strong relationships and powerful brand associations. Your sales conversations become an exercise in you qualifying them, not the other way around.
"Torrey is a rare find in the industry. It's not too often that you have a highly competent professional who has both the creative talent and business savvy. I highly recommend his consultative services.
Jason Walter
Senior Marketing Manager, Calumet
"To say that Torrey's work has been exceptional would be an understatement. When it comes to marketing, he is a creative genius. He continues to be a reliable source for even the most challenging requests."
Jennifer Goldsby
VP, Renovation Lending
"Torrey is my go-to strategic collaborator and, undoubtedly, my most trustworthy resource. If I find myself in the middle of a creative challenge, or the zombie apocalypse, there's no question who I'll turn to."
Josh Miles
Owner, Bold Brand

Investing in yourself = Investing in your business

It's your responsibility as the founder to give your business what it needs to thrive. After all, this is how your business gives YOU what you want! It's easy to get started now by choosing the option that best suits your needs. Just schedule your call and get on the path.
***FOUNDING MEMBER DISCOUNT: For a limited time, get access to the program for the lowest price it will ever be.
I firmly believe in two things: 1) Rewarding those who join movements early and 2) Raising prices continuously.

Don't miss out on this epic no-brainer.


Enterprise Plan

If you're an Enterprise-level player ready to break past your ceiling and own your market.
Payment plans available (Call for details).
Apply for the Enterprise Plan Now!
All Gold and Platinum Plan features, plus:
Weekly 1:1 calls during the 12-week program
Personalized review of all curriculum activities and content creation during the program
3-day personalized kickoff retreat that includes intensive 1:1 Strategy Sessions and mindset-building activities in a high-end and exclusive setting
On-demand calls and messages* (Details on our call)
NOTE: Not all applicants will qualify

Platinum Plan

Add 1:1 guidance to help you accelerate your progress even faster.
Payment plans available (Call for details).
Apply for the Platinum Plan Now!
All Gold Plan features, plus:
Three 1:1 video calls with Torrey for one hour during the 12-week program
Customized and prioritized action plans determined during each call
Schedule at your convenience during first-come-first-served coaching time slots
Receive the recorded video of each 1:1 coaching session for future reference

Gold Plan

Learn everything you need to build a business that generates consistent cashflow.
Payment plans available (Call for details).
Apply for the Gold Plan Now!
Access to weekly Live Group Instruction and Q&A video calls
12-week course curriculum, lessons, activities, and tools - all information is yours to keep indefinitely
Weekly live Open Office Hours video calls
Access to your Business Dashboard via your free Miro account
Resource Library with all recorded video sessions and additional resources
Personalized assessments at the beginning and end of the program

Space is limited!
The program doors will close once each slot is taken!


Results Matter.

Since 2006, I leveraged the power of Positioning to directly outcompete big agencies, attract some of the best-known brand names on the planet, and bill nearly $4M.

Not only did I build my business upon the foundation of my Perfect Positioning, I helped my clients leverage its power to further expand their market share.

My unique ability to apply these techniques to other businesses as well as my own puts me among a rare breed who can practice what he preaches.

Now I'm bringing my techniques to you for a fraction of the cost that my clients paid me to teach them the same methods. The best part?

I’ve distilled decades of extensive knowledge down to an actionable, step-by-step program that anyone can follow.
My client list exceeds $4.92B in Enterprise Value. Some highlight names:
Dashboard mockup

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're serious about joining the program and still have questions, schedule a call.
How does the program work again?
The program features 12 weeks of Live Video Calls once per week. During the call, I teach you what you need to know in order to complete each week's activity. Each activity is accessible through your Miro Business Dashboard, which makes it easy to see all of your most-critical business information all at once in one spot.
When are the Live Video Group Coaching calls?
I will schedule each call during a set time each week, with a week's notice for the exact time. I understand that no one will be able to make all 12 calls live, and that's OK. You'll have access to each video call so you can review it at any time. Plus, I host the weekly Open Office Hours if you have specific questions or need more information.
Am I a good fit for this program?
Are you serious about running a business that sets you free, and you're willing to invest the effort and resources necessary to do so? Then most likely, yes.
Can I pay in installments?
Yep. I get it. While some of us are more comfortable committing all in one go, I offer monthly payment plans if you'd rather manage your cash flow.
Will this program make me rich quick?
Nope. If you’re interested in a Get Rich Quick scheme, I can point you in the direction of the kids on Twitter who are comfortable lying to you. You will, however, be able to equip yourself with powerful tools that will increase your value in a matter of weeks.
Are you going to design my Marketing materials?
Maybe. My design company has helped some of the top brands in the world with their campaign needs. If you have over $50K budgeted, we can talk. Otherwise, most people won’t need anywhere near that budget to build a solid Marketing campaign once the time arrives. I'll teach you how to master the fundamentals without the need to hire a design team unless you want to.
What is Miro?
The program curriculum is built on Miro. While most programs will throw you to the endless clickfest of Notion or Google Docs, I chose the most visual and capable tool for pulling together all your critical business data into one spot. This enables you to shift between the granular details and the big picture with ease. Students can access Miro for free.
How do the Q&A sessions work?
Each weekly call features a segment to address common questions from the prior week. This assures that everyone stays up to speed. Questions can be supplied in advance, then I will address selected questions on the next call. Also, I offer the Open Office Hours each week to cover live questions and answers.
Do I keep access to the recordings and resources?
Yep. Everything is yours for as long as you wish to keep it. This isn't some program where you only keep access to the information until the end of the program. It's your data. I specifically designed the program to enable students to use this data through their entire business journey.
How do the Open Office Hours work?
I'll host a live video session each week that you can join to ask questions and hear the answers to questions from other students. Each session will be recorded and posted for all students to access.
How do the Personalized Assessments work?
Each student will be provided a self-assessment activity and a personalized video assessment of their current state by Torrey. Assessments will be conducted at the beginning and the end of the program.
What's your refund policy?
I do not offer refunds. A word of advice: Never work with people who ask about your refund policy before they buy from you.
What if I get a thrill from chasing prospects?
I get it. You might actually enjoy chasing clients. If so, you're going to love the thrill of chasing the biggest names once you've built the foundation necessary to go after them. Just try not to be too disappointed when they call you first.
What kind of ROI can I expect?
Our aim is to help founders learn the skills necessary to operate a thriving business that provides a lifestyle they enjoy. From there, the ROI will depend on each student's unique situation, and we would never promise specific financial outcomes. In the case of this program, if you take away just one concept from the entire program that leads to you signing 1-2 average clients, the investment will have paid for itself.
"Torrey is a highly unique and talented individual that takes a holistic approach to brand and strategy. I’ve had the pleasure of working with him for many years and he remains my go-to person when thinking about the crucial importance of messaging and communication."
Gavin Thomas
VP Development, Hendricks
"Torrey is a leader who shares his vision for change and adaptation, creating a drive for others to adopt it. He is relentless in his quest to make our profession more valuable to our colleagues and our global network."
Cait McCready
Brand & Visual Creative Consultant
"Torrey is one of a few people that I would designate as geniuses in their field. He's one of those people who makes my short list of the most talented people I've ever had the pleasure of working with."
Kimberly Coles
Owner, Happy Monday

Reduce the risk of misery and failure from your business equation

Accelerate your progress along your business journey by learning from someone who is already where you want to be.
Defeat the Feast & Famine Cycle
Create a steady flow of client work to your door so you don't have to constantly chase new work while trying to get your current work done.
Identify and destroy what's limiting you
Learn how to identify the limiting beliefs that are putting blinders on your current situation and opportunities for the future.
Build an audience of true fans
Trade the futility of screaming into the void at strangers for building a dedicated and loyal fan base who are ready to buy from you.
Attract high-quality clients that make everything easier
High-quality clients bring you repeat business so you can spend as little as zero hours with exhausting Sales activities. What will you do with the extra time?